Pre-Employment Medical Exam
TriMedical physicians have been helping employers and employees with pre-employment medical assessments since 2017. Our aim is to help our clients meet medical standards that are mandatory in the workplace.
What’s Involved in a Pre-Employment Medical Assessment?
Pre-Employment medical assessments usually take about an hour and may include the following, depending on the requirements of employment, which may include the following:
- A personal medical questionnaire
- An in-depth review of family history and risk factors
- A physical exam (heart & lungs, blood pressure, heart rate, reflexes, etc.)
- An audiogram (hearing test)
- Visual acuity testing
- Spirometry (lung function test)
- Chest X-ray
- FIT testing (stool sample for cancer screening)
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Bend and Reach testing
- Complete blood testing/lab work
- Urinalysis
- TB testing
- CT cardiac calcium score to assess heart disease risk in firefighters 45 and over
At your appointment, please remember to bring the following:
- Photo ID (a passport or driving license).
- The name, address and contact details of your family doctor, if you have one.
- A list of any medication(s) you are taking.
- Any current certifications for your industry.
If you would like more information, please call (236) 862-2126 or send an email to: