Functional Capacity Evaluations

An objective assessment of the functional abilities and limitations of the worker to determine their ability to meet their job demands.  A Functional Capacity Evaluation focuses on the major physical tolerance abilities related to musculoskeletal strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility. 

Functional Capacity Evaluations are completed by an occupational therapist or kinesiologist.  All of our assessors have completed specific FCE training and have extensive experience with defending their opinions and reports in court. The FCE takes approximately six to eight hours to complete and occasionally will require second day of testing.  A detailed FCE report addresses the residual physical tolerances, loss of ability and potential for rehabilitation in preparation for the determination of loss of earning capacity and/or future cost of care.

Who may request an Functional Capacity Evaluation?

  • Lawyers or Legal Claimants

  • Insurance Claims Agents

  • Employers

  • Workers Compensation Claimants

Who conducts this service?
Functional Capacity Evaluations are most often conducted by an Occupational Therapist or Kinesiologist.

Hours involved?
Functional Capacity Evaluations take between 6 to 8 hours to conduct and occasionally require a second day of testing. 

Who pays for the service?
Functional Capacity Evaluations are paid for by the agency who requested the service. Often The employer, insurance provider, or attorney who referred the patient for evaluation. 


Functional Capacity Evaluations are used to summarize the impact of injuries on workplace performance and quality of life.

Functional Capacity Evaluations are used to summarize the impact of injuries on workplace performance and quality of life.

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